***** Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) all sessions are being held via online therapy (telehealth) *****

Grief Counseling

Photo by laze.life on Unsplash

“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting” -Peter Pan


Let me ask you something . . . . Could grief be getting in your way?

* Have you lost someone or something you love?

* Have you been told or thought to yourself “I should be over my grief by now?”

* Are you feeling physically sick, fatigued, or lack concentration and energy?

* Do your emotions feel all over the place (for example: crying when you don’t expect it)?

* Do you wonder how to help a grieving child?


Perhaps, you find yourself wanting to distract, ignore, or avoid certain feelings? Or you may do the same with certain triggers or reminders of the person or things you lost?  Most likely, you want to share your pain and grief with others, but may resist. This resistance could stem from so many things including deep feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment or possible fear of judgment from others.

Do any of these ring true for you? If you answered YES, you may benefit from grief counseling.

At Some Point We All Will Experience Grief

How Does Grief Counseling Work?

Grief work (another term for grief counseling or grief therapy) is complicated and messy just like grief itself. Just like grief, doing the work is also something you cannot get through life without. It is something sooner or later that will cause you to look in the mirror and answer the very question of “who am I.”

You see, grief will cause you to push through things you never thought possible. But, what is important to understand is you can come out on the other side. But don’t make the mistake by “coming out the other side” I don’t mean getting over it and moving on. Instead, the meaning is the goal in my grief work. The goal of my grief therapy is learning and understanding your own grief. . . learning to walk in it not dismiss it, distract or run from it. Instead, by walking through it you get to a side where you find peace rather than fear. There becomes a choice to sit with grief and all that comes with it.

I have walked through grief many times. . . And it is different each time for me.

There’s been several moments in my own life where I made the CHOICE to learn and understand what my grief experience was trying to tell me. In some cases, it was that being a grief counselor is my calling in life. With other experiences, it lent me the option to try new coping techniques. In others yet, grief got the jump on me. It hit with surprise, chaos, and was able to throw me off course. It was during these last experiences where I perhaps found my greatest sadness and yet my greatest growth. Like you, I have been through and I know the journey can be difficult. It was through several of my experiences where I found grief therapy was right for me and it may be right for you too.

Finally, if we don’t acknowledge or bring awareness to these experiences it creates problems. It is when we begin to understand them from our unique perspective, we can begin to heal and move forward. Of course not forgetting or getting over where we have been but learning and holding a commitment to continue on from it.

You may be almost ready for grief therapy, but still on the fence with some questions or concerns…..

I feel lost… a lot of times I don’t feel like getting out of bed… so why would I make it to Grief therapy?

Here’s the deal. . . Grief is HARD! I understand there may be times where it will be too difficult for you to come into the office. So, there are a couple of things you need to know about me when this situation pops up. First, it is your grief journey and I understand the struggles it can bring. My first priority is making sure you are taking care of yourself. Second, I am willing to offer options. I am willing to work with you to reschedule during the same week if possible. Or, I am able to offer grief therapy through video sessions. One way or another my goal is to help support you and carry the weight of your grief.

How long will I have to come for grief counseling?

This is probably one of the most common questions I get about therapy in general….

And there is no easy answer. I wish I could tell you it may take only a few sessions and you will feel much better. However, it could take much more time depending on a lot of things. Each grief journey is unique and will unfold at the pace it is supposed to.

What I CAN tell you is my HOPE is that after our first session together a few things will happen. One, you will feel heard and comfortable. And two, you leave the first session feeling a little lighter as though some of the weight of the grief has been lifted even if for a short time.

I Am a Grieving parent and honestly don’t know how to help my kids? Are they even grieving?

My first reaction to this question is CONGRATULATIONS for recognizing and asking questions surrounding your child’s grief. The truth is yes children grieve. However, it is very very different from what you may see in yourself as an adult. The truth is your children need you now more than ever. They need you to provide honest answers and role model appropriate grief responses such as crying. And I can help!

There are a few ways I can help. First, I have spent years developing and understanding the grief experiences of children. One things I will teach you is common grief reactions in children of all ages. Second, while my true passion lies in working with any type of grievers I hold a special place for the hearts of grieving children. After all, I was once a grieving child myself. I have spent years developing my education and using my own experiences as a guide for my work with children and their grief. Finally, I will work with you to understand your own grief. I will help you understand how to explain it, share your feelings with your children, and create a safe environment in the office you can take home.

So What Now? . . .  

Interested in grief therapy and think we’d be a match? I’d love to help you in your journey!   

Contact me today for a free 15 minute phone consultation. . .