Grief Prints


“Grief changes shape, but it never ends.” -Keanu Reeves

My Introduction

I’ve always been a person who loves to write. If you combine that with the curiosity of my own grief and wanting to learn about how to help others through their grief. . .  There you go! You get the inspiration for this blog. My Grief Prints Blog.

This blog is dedicated to the grief experience. Your experience… My experience. . . Our world’s experience. The goal being to provide and share education, personal stories, and resources when dealing with grief experiences and life in general. Beyond grief, you’ll find blogs on other important pieces in mental health including things like PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

So, what’s with the name anyway???

The name Imprinted Counseling comes from the idea grief and loss experiences leave a print or permanent mark on our being. The name grief prints as a blog dives even further into that idea. With each of my own grief prints, I have learned something new about grief and also myself as a human being and therapist.

Not Just Another Day. . . .

Not Just Another Day. . . .

I’ve been thinking about the month of September since May. And while I have more to say and continue from my last post something else is on my mind tonight. Today, September 10, is World Suicide Prevention Day. There’s a lot attached to this day. There are people out...

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My Grief Prints

My Grief Prints

When I was a kid, I had many fears some of which remain to this day. Growing up my way to cope with my fears was to get CREATIVE. I use creative here as a nice term for worrying and overthinking things. In elementary school, I remember hearing about a boy a few years...

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